
Christmas Book Flood | Recommending reading

13 December

Book of the day

shemeansbusinessShe Means Business
Carrie Green
(UK: Hay House, 2017; USA: Hay House, 2017)

Are you ready to turn your ideas into reality and build a wildly successful business? There has never been a better time to say ‘Yes!’ With a computer and an internet connection you can get your ideas, messages and business out there like never before and create so much success. In this book, Carrie Green – serial dot come entrepreneur and Founder of the Female Entrepreneur Association – shows you how.

If you’re a creative and ambitious female businesswoman, or are contemplating the entrepreneurial path, this book will provide the honest, realistic and practical tools you need to follow your heart and bring your vision to life.

Available in the UK via ‘My Local Bookshop‘ search engine or Amazon (She Means Business)
Available in the USA via Amazon (She Means Business)

bokati%e2%88%82indi-7-catFacts of the day

13 December

1577 Sir Francis Drake sets sail from England on a circumnavigation of the world.


There is a volcanic eruption every 4 years on average.

The eruption of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajökull was relatively small but caused enormous disruption to air travel across western and northern Europe in April 2010 due to an enormous ash cloud that reduced visibility for pilots.

2-giljagaurSecond Yule Lad

In Iceland, the second of the 13 Yule Lads pays a visit to every home this evening. Tonight, Giljagaur (Gully Oaf) will creep into the cowshed undetected, to steal your milk!


Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is a fictional character, created by Robert Lewis May, for a 1939 marketing promotion by the US department store chain, Montgomery Ward.

On account of his red nose, Rudolph is depicted as the lead reindeer pulling Santa’s sleigh on Christmas Eve, lighting the way through often inclement weather.


A survey of 2000 people in 2013 discovered that most respondents pretended to have read classic books in order to appear more intelligent. Over 50% of those polled displayed unread books on their shelves and 3% used a highbrow book jacket to disguise titles they would not want other people in in public spaces to know they were reading.

The titles most likely to be lied about were books adapted into films or discussed and/or studied in an education context. The most-lied about title was Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell: 26% of people in the study fibbed about reading the novel.

Writers birthdays

1585 William Drummond (UK, Scotland)
1720 Carlo Gozzi (Italy)
1883 Belle da Costa Greene (USA)
1890 Marc Connelly (USA)
1903 Yevgeny Petrov (Ukraine)
1903 John Piper (UK)
1906 Laurens van der Post (South Africa)
1911 Kenneth Patchen (USA)
1915 Ross MacDonald (USA)
1928 W Gordon Smith (UK, Scotland)
1935 Tom Wakefield (UK, England)
1949 R A MacAvoy (USA)
1954 Tamora Pierce (USA)

Jokes of the day

Q: What did one book say to the other one?
A: I just wanted to see if we are on the same page.

Cartoons: Ola Kowalczak, eBooks and digital reading, eBook Friendly

Quote of the day

Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey, ‘The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid.’

HL; Janiele